It has vibrant cover pages that tug my heart
Vibrant colours and striking prints always attract me towards it. Every cover page is distinct and quirky in graphics and layout, setting a perfect bait to open and read.
Its association with yesteryears
I associate this delightful read to my heydays in college. This compact thin sized piece of entertainment would slide into my bag and be available for me, when tiktok was unheard of. I think of those days fondly.
No match to this low key/ relaxed read
The articles are compact, well edited and light hearted. real life stories or inspiring essays with a dash of humor perfect for a casual read over an afternoon downtime or an evening cup of tea.
A complete mix of information and entertainment
For a general interest reader who doest have to dig deep into news on politics and information technology or infrastructural development, I browse through my good-to-know stash in no time, with pure facts and less opinionated articles.
A great shelf value
Reader’s Digest has all the features to be a reader’s collectible; it still holds an impactful shelf value in homes, mine in particular, paving the way for kids in the house to fall in love with reading magazines and journals.